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For Translators

Do you want to be an essential part of one of the largest translation agencies worldwide? Keywords for the service we provide are Quality – Fast – Simple – Fair Price!
The Business Translator delivers a convenient and efficient website and complements this with extensive online and offline marketing. To ensure that we are the preferred choice online, TBT has hired one of the best European e-marketing firms with offices in Germany and Canada.
The Business Translator caters primarily to large Organizations, Companies, Government entities and Individuals with a need to communicate in a foreign language.
In this context it is therefore essential to assure speed as well as premium quality. Quality is and will always be the most essential part of our service but the ability to deliver a translated text within a few hours is what makes us ‘The truly Global Translator’ – and we will not fail! From you as a translator we expect dedication. We expect you to understand the importance of delivering high quality translations, fast!
Are you up to the challenge? Are you interested in joining us?
Minimum requirements:
- A University degree in translation plus at least three years of experience (translators/revisers) or a University degree plus a minimum of five years of experience (translators/revisers)
- Must be a native and a resident of the target language county
- Must present verifiable references providing experience in the declared specialist subjects, preferable with education or a minimum of 2 years work experience in the field.
- Must have access to and experience working with Trados or Wordfast. We are looking for reliable, qualified and experience full-time translators. If you meet the above requirements and you are interested in working with The Business Translator please send us your CV in English to applications(at)the-business-translator.com.
We look forward to hearing from you!

These companies believe in our quality!
